Police Departmet & Court

We take immense pride in our commitment to fostering a strong bond between law enforcement and the vibrant community we serve. At the core of our policing philosophy is the unwavering belief in the power of community engagement. We stand dedicated to the principles of community policing, actively collaborating with residents, businesses, and organizations to create a safer and more connected Millerton. Our department is not just an enforcer of the law; we are your neighbors, friends, and allies in ensuring the well-being of our shared home. Together, we are building a safer and stronger community, where trust, communication, and mutual respect are the cornerstones of our service. Welcome to a partnership that goes beyond badges and uniforms – welcome to the Millerton NY Police Department, where community involvement is not just a goal, but a way of life.

Joseph V. Olenik
Chief of Police

Police Chief
Joseph Olenik

5933 N. Elm Avenue
Millerton, NY 12546
​(518) 789-6355
Fax: (518) 789-6764

All-night parking (Village Code 151-13)

The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited on all streets within the village between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., beginning December 10 of each year and ending April 10 of the following year, except those streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IX (§ 151-33).

Top 7 Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers In New York

Help Lines

  • 911 – If you or someone you love is experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency, or may be a danger to themselves or others, call 911 as soon as possible.
  • 988 – If you or someone you love is experiencing suicidal thought or actions, or is in an active crisis, call 988 for 24/7 crisis support.*
  • 211 – If you or someone you love needs assistance locating mental health resources or mental health treatment options, call 211 for a confidential conversation.**
  • 1-800-273-TALK – If you or someone you love is a veteran in need of support, call 1-800-273-8255 then press 1 to be connected to the Veterans Crisis Line.

*Available in English and Spanish
**Available in 180 languages upon request

Child Passenger Safety Certified Technicians

We all want our children to travel safely in cars. Installing a car seat for younger children and babies can be a challenge. Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technicians can check to make sure your car seats are installed correctly and teach you how to use and install a car seat on your own.

The Village of Millerton Police are CPS Certified Technicians.

Call to schedule your appointment: 518-789-6355

Before the Car Seat Checkup
  • Be prepared to learn, not just watch the CPS technician install the car seat. They’re trained to teach you.
  • Know your child’s current weight and height.
  • Using the car seat instruction manual and the vehicle owner’s manual, try to install the car seat into your vehicle prior to your appointment
  • Tip! Check the index of your vehicle owner’s manual for “child safety seats”.
  • Be sure to bring the car seat instruction manual AND the vehicle owner’s manual with you to your appointment.
  • If possible, bring your child with you as well as another caregiver to help while you are learning.

During the Car Seat Checkup

  • Ask to see proof of your technician’s current certification.
  • This one-on-one education typically takes 20-30 minutes, depending on your car seat and vehicle. The technician will take all the time you need until you feel comfortable that your car seat is used and installed correctly.
  • During the checkup, a CPS Technician will:
    • Fill out a car seat check form to document the process (including car seat type, location in vehicle, misuse observations, etc.). The form may be electronic or on paper.
    • Review car seat selection appropriate for your child’s age, weight and height as well as review factors affecting proper use.
    • Review the car seat instruction manual and the vehicle owner’s manual to ensure that both are being followed correctly.
    • Ensure that an appropriate seating position in the vehicle is being used.
    • Check the car seat for recalls, visible damage and an expiration date.
    • Guide your installation of the car seat. You are encouraged to ask to learn how to install the car seat in different seating positions with different installation techniques.
    • Discuss the next steps for your child, such as when to move to the next type of car seat.
    • Discuss your state laws and best practice recommendations for occupant safety..

After the Car Seat Checkup

A car seat checkup is considered a success if you can answer yes to the following questions:

  • Did you perform the installation?
  • Do you feel confident about installing and using the car seat correctly?
  • Were your questions answered? If not, were you given direction as to who you should contact or will the CPS Technician follow up with you?

Appointment required: Schedule by phone 518-789-6355

Sheriff Announces Blue Envelope Program for Autistic Drivers

Dutchess County Sheriff Kirk Imperati, in conjunction with the New York State Sheriff’s Association, is proud to announce that the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office is adopting the Blue Envelope Program. This new initiative is an important safety program for drivers and other vehicle occupants, including children, with autism.

Sheriff Imperati said “There are many county families who are living with autism. Some of these residents drive our roads, so it is important for us as law enforcement to be able to better serve them. As law enforcement we should recognize that a driver’s physical movements or verbal responses, which would normally be appropriate during a traffic stop, may be beyond an autistic driver’s control. Without proper training and awareness there could be interactions where the officer could misinterpret an autistic driver’s actions or their failure to appropriately respond to requests or directions. These are instances we want to avoid, helping to keep everyone safe.”

To address this problem, law enforcement agencies around the country have begun adopting the Blue Envelope Program. These agencies are encouraging drivers with autism to obtain a Blue Envelope to store all the relevant documents that a Deputy would request during a traffic stop – such as their license, registration, and insurance card. In this way, when the Deputy Sheriff sees the Blue Envelope, they are alerted to the driver’s autism and can adjust their own actions or reactions to fit that situation.

The New York State Sheriffs’ Association is promoting this program statewide and many Sheriff’s Offices are rolling out the program, including the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Imperati asks that interested members of the community contact Sgt. Montanya at amontanya@dutchessny.gov or call (845)-486-3834 to learn more. The Sheriff is encouraging his Deputies and other law enforcement officers in the county to be aware of the significance of the Blue Envelope if one is presented by a driver during a traffic stop.



Honorable Casey McCabe
Honorable Dennis Johnson


Matthew Kreta


19 North Maple Avenue
PO Box 516
Millerton, NY 12546

​(518) 789-3300 ex 604
Fax: (518) 789-9530

Rattlesnakes on Rail Trail

Photography Credit: Susan Georgia

Please exercise caution while using the Rail Trail.

Rattlesnakes have been spotted on the Rail Trail. Stay alert and be mindful of your surroundings to ensure your safety. Rattlers are cold-blooded and need to seek out warmth when they get too cold. This is why you’ll often find them sunning themselves on a road or a large rock.

Here are some tips to remember while traveling the Rail Trail:

  • Limit the use of headphones.  Rattlesnakes use a hollow, segmented rattle at the end of their tail to alert predators of their presence.
  • Be on the lookout. Always keep your hands and feet where you have a clear view. Avoid tall grasses and rocky crevices.
  • Do not touch, pick up, or kill rattle snakes. There is no better way to be bitten by a rattlesnake than to purposefully touch it, so don’t do it.
  • Keep your dog on a leash. 
  • Don’t travel alone. 

If you are bitten by a Rattlesnake while on the Rail Trail, call 911 immediately. All rattlesnake bites should be treated as an emergency until a doctor tells you otherwise. 

Follow the tips below if you have been bitten by a rattlesnake:

  • Remain calm and rest until help arrives. Slow your heartbeat if you can.
  • Remove any jewelry, tight clothing, or anything that could be a problem with swelling.
  • Do not cut, suck, apply ice, or “bleed” the bite.
  • Do not drive yourself to the hospital. Call 911 and remain calm until their arrival.
  • Do not tie it off and do not attempt a compression bandage.


Special Needs Registry

The Special Needs Registry is an initiative of the Village of Millerton Police Department. Its purpose is to compile and maintain a list of individuals with “special needs” due to mental or neurological disabilities who may reside in or frequently visit the Village of Millerton. Residents are invited to proactively provide information about a loved one with special needs of any age who may require special assistance in an emergency or interaction with Village of Millerton Police Officers.

This registration is completely voluntary.

Vacant House Check

The Village of Millerton provides a “Vacant House Check” form which residents/owners may download the form and e-mail the completed form to chief@villageofmillerton-ny.gov or fill out in person at Village Hall, 5933 N. Elm Avenue Millerton, NY 12546.

Other Local Law Enforcement Agencies

Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office

New York State Police


Officer Michael Veeder named “TOP COP” at STOP-DWI Law Enforcement Awards

Millerton police officer Michael Veeder was honored as one of the county’s “Top Cops” on November 19th at the 21st Annual Dutchess County STOP-DWI Program’s Law Enforcement Awards Luncheon. He was one of only seven law enforcement officers awarded the distinction by the Dutchess County STOP-DWI Planning Board. The event honors police officers from throughout Dutchess County for their commitment and contributions to the STOP-DWI Program’s mission.

“These awards symbolize the dedication and vigilance our law enforcement officials continue to display to keep our local residents as safe as possible on the road – not just during the upcoming holiday season, but year-round,” County Legislator Kenneth Roman said. To read more click here

Village of Millerton Police Department Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians

Congratulations to three of our Village of Millerton Police Department officers: Sergeant Michael Veeder, Sergeant David Rudin, and Officer Tyler Conley.

These three officers spent four days in training to become nationally certified to assist our residents with how to install their child safety seats properly to prevent injury or in extreme cases, death of a child.

The Village of Millerton will be working with Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office, New York State Police and Dutchess County Stop DWI program to host events that will help residents with child seats. The Village of Millerton will also be scheduling times to have residents come directly to the station at 5933 N. Elm Avenue for car seat inspections and information.

Please watch this website and our Facebook page – Village of Millerton -VOM for upcoming information and dates of these events.

Thank you to these three officers and the Village of Millerton Police Department for adding this wonderful program.

Joseph Olenik, Village Chief

Contact information:
(518) 789-6355

Keven Kemp, Police Officer: Court Officer

Contact information:
(518) 789-6355

Michael Veeder, Police Sargeant

Contact information:
(518) 789-6355

Erik Breen, Police Officer

Contact information:
(518) 789-6355

Julia Phillips, Police Officer

Contact information:
(518) 789-6355

David Rudin, Police Sergeant

Contact information:
(518) 789-6355