welcome to the village of millerton, ny

Incorporated in 1875, Millerton is located in the northeastern corner of Dutchess County, in the heart of the Hudson Valley

Welcome to the village of Millerton! We are excited to offer the chance to stay up to date with our latest news and events through our E-newsletters. By signing up for our E-newsletters, you will receive regular emails that highlight the happenings in our village. You will get updates about upcoming meetings, events, and activities, as well as information about local businesses, organizations, and services. Whether you are a resident, a business owner, or a visitor, our E-newsletters are a great way to stay informed and connected to the community.

  • The NY SWIMS capital grant program awarded $6.385 million to the village to build a community pool, a bathhouse, community room and septic system at Eddie Collins Memorial Park.

  • Join us for the party at the community concert in Eddie Collins Memorial Park on July 13 for the kickoff event of the Are Heat Pumps Right For Me? community campaign. Climate Smart Millerton is excited to announce they have joined forces with Town of North East, NY and the Village of Millerton to spread the word about the latest heat pump technologies: their benefits, cost savings, and generous government subsidies.
    Curious about how well heat pumps work? They’ll help you understand! – including how well they work in a cold NY winter and hot, sticky NY summer. An energy advisor from Cornell Cooperative Extension will be on hand to answer questions about state funding, rebates, tax deductions, and how to get started.
    Summers getting too hot?? Cost of fuel too high in winter??
    Save up to $900 on fuel costs each year
    Does your old hot water heater need to be replaced??
    Save up to $350 annually with a new heat pump water heater
    More Upcoming Events:
    • Every Third Saturday from July through Oct at the Millerton Farmers Market
    • Date TBD: Millerton Library Annex: Heat Pump Technology — Costs, Benefits & Incentives, with representatives from NYSERDA and local installers
    • And more being planned!
  • As the Village of Millerton continues to grow and evolve, we understand the importance of keeping our residents informed and up-to-date on any important developments or changes. In order to ensure that we are able to effectively communicate with each and every member of our community, we are kindly asking all residents to fill out a contact form.

    Your cooperation in filling out this contact form is appreciated and will greatly benefit the entire community. Thank you for helping keep Millerton strong and well-informed.

    Click here to download the contact form.

2025 Community Development Block Grant

Legal Notice
Public Hearing
Village of Millerton
2025 Community Development Block Grant

Please take notice that the Village of Millerton Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:05 PM at the Village Hall, 5933 N. Elm Avenue, Millerton, NY 12546 to invite the public on the 2025 Community Development Block Grant. All members of the public who have an interest in this matter are invited to attend.

By order of the Village Clerk Board of Trustees
Lisa Cope
Village Clerk


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting held on the 13th day of January, 2025, the Village Board of the Village of Millerton, Dutchess County, New York, duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Section 6-c of the General Municipal Law and Article 9 of the Village Law of the State of New York.

Said resolution authorizes and appropriates the sum of $12,162.50 from the Water System Reserve Fund, or so much of such amount as shall be required therefor, for a portion of the cost of the acquisition of a backhoe/loader for maintenance purposes at an estimated maximum cost of $148,500.

Said resolution shall take effect thirty days after adoption, unless there shall be filed with the Village Clerk a petition signed and acknowledged by the electors of the Village in number equal to at least twenty per centum of such electors in the Village, as shown on the register of elections for the previous general village election, protesting against this resolution and requesting that the matter be submitted to the electors of the Village for their approval or disapproval in the manner provided by Village Law.

A copy of the resolution is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of the Village Clerk, located at the Village Hall, 5933 N. Elm Avenue, Millerton, New York.

By Order of the Village Board
Dated January 13, 2025
Lisa Cope, Village Clerk
Village of Millerton

2025 March

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Streetlight not working? Report it here.

Address & Contact

5933 N Elm Avenue
Millerton, NY 12546, USA
Phone: 518 789 4489

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday 9-4 pm
Friday – Sunday CLOSED

Building Dept Hours

Monday 9 AM – 4 PM
Tues & Thurs 9 AM – 2 PM
Wednesday 5 -7 PM