On December 19, 2024 when dark came to the Village of Millerton and the streetlights automatically illuminated, the light that came on was different. Instead of the eerie orange glow from the former high pressure sodium vapor lamps, this light came from LED diodes. The project to convert all 138 light fixtures began a number of years ago and will result in lower electric bills for the Village, a higher quality of light for those in the Village and contribute to a significant drop in energy use. According to Mayor Jenn Najdek, “The Village is now paying Central Hudson about $600 per month for the streetlights instead of $2900. That’s a savings of $27,000 for us per year.”
Volunteers Christine Bates, Laurie Kerr and Jennifer Dowley did extensive research on the viability of this project consulting government resources and several towns to find the most effective processes and vendors. The Village of Millerton eventually contracted with Real Term Energy that finished the work in December. The new LED lights have an average lifespan of 25 years compared to 5 ½ years for the former high pressure sodium vapor ones. Also, the quality of light from the new fixtures is significantly better – colors are bright and true. They are also dark sky compliant because the lenses direct the light beam down where it’s needed rather than dispersing it into neighboring windows and the surrounding landscape. Controls on each fixture allow the lights to be monitored remotely for maintenance.
This project is a high impact Climate Smart action that will mean an estimated saving of 22,300 kWh of energy per year. This is comparable to approximately 40,000 miles driven by a gas-powered car. Kathy Chow, Millerton’s Climate Smart Coordinator, stated: “This project is an important step in our community’s journey of reducing carbon emissions and building climate resiliency… beautifully.”
Millerton/North East Climate Smart Task Force
Contact: Kathy Chow
845.233.1355January 18, 2025
2025 Community Development Block Grant
Legal Notice
Public Hearing
Village of Millerton
2025 Community Development Block Grant
Please take notice that the Village of Millerton Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:05 PM at the Village Hall, 5933 N. Elm Avenue, Millerton, NY 12546 to invite the public on the 2025 Community Development Block Grant. All members of the public who have an interest in this matter are invited to attend.
By order of the Village Clerk Board of Trustees
Lisa Cope
Village Clerk
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting held on the 13th day of January, 2025, the Village Board of the Village of Millerton, Dutchess County, New York, duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Section 6-c of the General Municipal Law and Article 9 of the Village Law of the State of New York.
Said resolution authorizes and appropriates the sum of $12,162.50 from the Water System Reserve Fund, or so much of such amount as shall be required therefor, for a portion of the cost of the acquisition of a backhoe/loader for maintenance purposes at an estimated maximum cost of $148,500.
Said resolution shall take effect thirty days after adoption, unless there shall be filed with the Village Clerk a petition signed and acknowledged by the electors of the Village in number equal to at least twenty per centum of such electors in the Village, as shown on the register of elections for the previous general village election, protesting against this resolution and requesting that the matter be submitted to the electors of the Village for their approval or disapproval in the manner provided by Village Law.
A copy of the resolution is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of the Village Clerk, located at the Village Hall, 5933 N. Elm Avenue, Millerton, New York.
By Order of the Village Board
Dated January 13, 2025
Lisa Cope, Village Clerk
Village of Millerton

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Address & Contact
5933 N Elm Avenue
Millerton, NY 12546, USA
Phone: 518 789 4489
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 9-4 pm
Friday – Sunday CLOSED
Building Dept Hours
Monday 9 AM – 4 PM
Tues & Thurs 9 AM – 2 PM
Wednesday 5 -7 PM