Snow Removal
Now that winter is fully upon us, it is important to be reminded that although the Village of Millerton Highway Department removes snow from the sidewalks as a courtesy, it is the responsibility of the property owners to keep the sidewalks in front of their property clear of Ice and Snow. In accordance with Village Code section 136-11 A. every owner or occupant of property shall keep the existing sidewalks and fire hydrants adjoining his premises free of snow, ice, dirt, filth, weeds and other obstructions.
In addition, the practice of plowing or depositing snow from private driveways or private property onto the highway has increased significantly. This is a dangerous practice and it is strictly prohibited under Section 1219 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and Section 214 of the NYS Highway Law.
We appreciate your cooperation in the safe and proper removal of snow and ice.

Peter Dellaghelfa, Superintendent of Public Works
Contact information:
(845) 705-5732